Friday, September 19, 2008

Fish Pedicures...

I read a blog today that talked about a new kind of pedicure called Fish Pedicures.
Apparently in Northern Virginia, it is "unsanitary" to use razors to shave off the dead skin. So this one owner of a salon came up with the idea to use a special kind of fish called garra rufa or also known as Doctor Fish. They were first popular in Turkey and in some Asian countries.
The owner was not sure if the fish would survive in the warm water temperature necessary for a comfortable foot bath, but he decided to try it out anyways.
The owner said "the hot water in which the fish thrive doesn't support much plant or aquatic life, so
they learned to feed on whatever food sources were available -- including dead,
flaking skin. They leave live skin alone because, without teeth, they can't bite it off."
They interviewed a podiatrist who had never heard of this before. Here is what the podiatrist said: "Dennis Arnold, a podiatrist who four years ago established the International Pedicure Association, said he had never heard of the treatment and
doubts it will become widespread.
"I think most people would be afraid of it," he said."
Here is what some customers described it as:
"the best pedicure I ever had", another woman described the tingling sensation created by the toothless fish: "It kind of feels like your foot's asleep", another woman admitted she was nervous as she prepared for her first fish pedicure. But her apprehension dissolved into laughter after she put her feet in the tank and the fish swarmed to her toes. "It's a little ticklish, actually."
It doesn't sound too painful to me. In fact, I think this is actually a really great idea. I would love to see how it works for manicures as well as for pedicures. Hopefully I can find something that cool around here. If/When I do, I will be sure to let you all know what I thought of it myself and where the heck is the hidden gem!

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