Monday, November 26, 2012
Free 1 HR Diagnostic - Save $25 - Laptop/Desktop Repairs
FYI: My FB friend, Kris Bray is doing Laptop and Desktop repairs. You name it, he does it. For the Holiday season, now until Dec 20th, he is offering FREE 1hr diagnostic! Save $25. If you have a computer in need of work message him or reply to his post, or this post. (413) 250-0160 call or text to set something up.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Small Town Tradition - 20th Annual White Christmas in West Brookfield, MA
Saturday, September 29, 2012
A Bowl Full Of Lemons works with all Browsers, except Internet Explorer
First of all, I am not a fan of anyone being proprietary. Internet Explorer is the browser we all love to hate. It doesn't conform to standards for coding or rendering. However, with that said, Internet Explorer is known to be the best browser to acquire viruses with and is the best browser to download another browser with. I am a Chrome and Firefox fan and use them whenever possible. I say that because I have found that some websites have not been cross compatible with all browsers and will only work with IE, still forcing you to use their browser.
I love the idea and think this is a good way to show your loyalty for the browsers that actually deserve to be shown some love.
Friday, May 25, 2012
If you put it on Facebook, then it's up for discussion.
If you are going to express an opinion, then expect the facts. Yes, some or many people may agree with you, but not always, and that's alright. Isn't it?
It's not my fault that you can't handle the truth. But don't try to bully me into silence with you and all your friends. I will stand up for what's right, even if it means being the only one to speak up. Not once did I get an answer to the question. But instead for the sake of avoiding answering, making personal attacks to my character. Again, proving my point, even further. If you put it on Facebook, then it's up for discussion. Don't tell me not to comment. I'm not going to sit there and say you're right when in fact you're not. If those are the kind of friends you need in your life, then I pity you. It is even clearer to me that we are not meant to be friends because I won't pacify you, nor will I be bullied into silence. Just because you're having a bad day or a hard time with life, doesn't mean you get to take it out on or belittle others. Sorry for your life choices.
What would you do? Do you keep the friend because it's okay to have a diffidence of opinion or do you delete the friend because you realize that their values are different than yours?
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
This to is great to know and makers sense, if you are being robbed. I have not tried this, so I do not know if it is true or works. How about you? Have you or do you know someone that this had happened to? Tell us about it.